Wednesday, March 29, 2006

LE PARTAY - Chapter 1: The initiation

first of all i would like to say that this is actually a period of time of my life that i wrote about, and i actually regretted incredibly, therefore i had decided to write a story about it. Whether you agree or not with the opinions stated from here on is not important. Just please read it as a short story (that isnt really so short), and gimme feedback on writing techniques and the such, constructive criticism is very appreciated. Oh, and please no comments like "well for someone who hates drugs you arent so innocent yourself eh?!"... i know i wasnt the brightest of the bunch back then but shite has changed, either way... enjoy!



I remember it like it was yesterday, up to a certain point anyways. I got out of my dad’s car, and kind of waved a lazy goodbye to him. I scurried as fast as I could to the front door of the haven I was about to enter. The teenager’s haven full of alcohol, drugs, guys, girls, music, guitars, candles and the unforgettable sound of that one person “deflowering the puke virgin” for the night. I got inside, took off my washed-out now light blue converses, and the smell of freshly burned marijuana, probably inhaled by about five people, hit me in the face. I knew from that moment on that this was going to be a crazy party.
I went down to this basement, party central, the hangout, where we all got drunk, and some people fried their brains on hash, weed, speed, and whatever else they had.
I remember looking in the corner of the room, and seeing what must have been 7 cases of 24 beers a piece. They seemed to glow as if surrounded by the brilliant halo of an angel. I grabbed a beer out of the top case, and cracked it open. The “pshhhht” sound made by the bottle opening was the initiation of what was going to be my inebriated happiness, and extreme carelessness. About two beers into the night, I was watching the party progress, and two of my friends, both of the female persuasion, came to sit next to me. One of them asked me “what’s up?” I wasn’t too sure what to answer to this. In fact, I’m not too sure anyone ever really does know what to answer to these two words used so disgustingly often by the puberty-infested, hormone-driven teenagers of today. After about 5 minutes of contemplating the stupidity of this question, I answered, “I dunno.” The one who asked me the question got up and left, sort of stumbling as she walked away. My other friend put her vodka & ice down on the floor, and put her arms around me.
I felt what I think was “happy.” I guess I couldn’t recognize the feeling, because I hadn’t felt that damn think in so long. Well, I guess this is the reason for which I had to come to this party in the first place, to try and be happy.


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